In-Office Balloon Sinuplasty

In-Office Balloon Sinuplasty™ may be considered for those who have recurrent sinus infections or barosinusitis (facial pain caused by pressure such as in a flight or change in weather systems). Dr. Duncan may also consider balloon sinuplasty for those who have headaches that are triggered by congestion in the nose or sinuses. The procedure may also be combined with an in-office turbinate reduction as well.

About the Procedure

The in-office procedure begins by numbing your nose with a nasal spray. Cotton strips soaked with additional numbing medication are then placed in the nose to further the numbing process. The whole procedure, from numbing to dilation, is usually completed in less than an . In-office balloon dilation causes minimal pain which results in a faster recovery. You may even be able to return to work or school the same day. As you recover you will need to keep your nose clear with saline rinses to aid in the healing process.

 Schedule an Appointment

If you would like to schedule an appointment with the Tennessee Sinus and Snoring Center please click on the link below.

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