Are you searching a provider of the RhinAer Procedure in Nashville, TN. Dr. Ryan Duncan is a Nashville ENT that specializes in the RhinAer procedure to help patients struggling with a constant stuffy nose or runny nose. The non-invasive RhinAerTM procedure can help if you persistently experience:
- Runny nose
- Post-nasal drip
- Nasal congestion
- Itching and sneezing
Watch This Video to Learn More About the RhinAer Procedure
Benefits of the RhinAer Procedure Include
No incisions, minimal discomfort, and can be performed in your doctor’s office.
Zero Downtime
Patients return to normal activities the same day.
Lasting Relief
Clinically proven to provide lasting relief of symptoms including runny nose, post-nasal drip, and chronic cough in 96% of patients.¹
¹ Data on file. Aerin Medical Report TR898.